Friday, June 13, 2008

Norman Antivirus and Antispyware 5.81

Ease of Use: Norman Antivirus and Antispyware is easy to use. It includes a menu that has some options in an intuitive spot, while leaving others deep within a maze of menu options that can be rather difficult to navigate.For most users, Norman Antivirus and Antispyware has a default configuration that should help to keep them from having to navigate the maze of options and changes that can be made.Effectiveness: Norman is certified by VB100%, WCL Level 1, as well as ICSA Labs. It offers protection that is standard of the middle of the pack of antivirus solutions. Norman has shown a commitment to solidifying their scanning abilities by continuing to enhance their antivirus engine. The current engine, while slow in some cases, is another shining example of Norman's commitment.Updates: Updates are released daily on average. There is also the ability for Norman to push an update if there is a significant threat that is found. You have the ability to manually update, or set a time each day to look for new updates. Feature Set: Norman Antivirus and Antispyware includes the basic antivirus and antyspyware scanning. Also included are quarantines for both, as well as task scheduling and email protection. The email protection is based on the protocol that is used for gathering and sending email rather than integrating with specific email programs. This allows scanning of email attachments to occur no matter what program you use to handle your email.Ease of Installation: Installing Norman Antivirus and Antispyware was simple and only required a couple of clicks to get done. The software didn't require a reboot when it finished installing on our test machine, and updated itself immediately after the install was finished.Help/Support: Norman has a very effective support website that includes a product FAQ, customer support forums, a well equipped knowledge base, as well as security bulletins and webcasts. They also include phone and email support in the event that you have lost your connection to the Internet.Summary: Norman Antivirus and Antispyware is solid option to keep your computer safe from the terrors of the Internet. It includes an award winning antivirus scanner as well as an antispyware scanner. The software does suffer from some issues with overall system lag, but these are due to the on access scanner, and can be minimized for each system according to Norman's support site.

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